I admire scientists, like Albert Einstein. They try to improve our life, using sciences, like phisics, biology, chemistry, mathematics etc. It is better way than just believing in God and waiting his help. So, Albert Einstein was born 14 March 1879 in Germany. Einstein is best known for his mass-energy equivalence formula E=mc2. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect", a pivotal step in the evolution of quantum theory.
воскресенье, 14 мая 2017 г.
воскресенье, 23 апреля 2017 г.
Learning online
Should all teaching and learning take place online these days? So, it is important question nowadays. A huge amount of people have computers and can surf in the Internet. You can also learn some subjects, like Math, online. Let's find advantages and disadvantages of studing online.
To begin with, students can have lessons from any place around the world (in Russia or, for example, in Australia). Another advantage is convenience of this system. You just sitting on the chair and studing. You don't have to go to school throught the blizzard or rain!
But there are some disadventages of this system. First of all, it is bad for our eyes to sitting a lot near the computer. Person can get eye strain! Also, it is expensive. Person have to buy computer, connect it to the Internet, etc. It all costs some money.
In conclusion, I believe that learning online can be used in our education to improve it and make more interesting.
To begin with, students can have lessons from any place around the world (in Russia or, for example, in Australia). Another advantage is convenience of this system. You just sitting on the chair and studing. You don't have to go to school throught the blizzard or rain!
But there are some disadventages of this system. First of all, it is bad for our eyes to sitting a lot near the computer. Person can get eye strain! Also, it is expensive. Person have to buy computer, connect it to the Internet, etc. It all costs some money.
In conclusion, I believe that learning online can be used in our education to improve it and make more interesting.
воскресенье, 16 апреля 2017 г.
fipi letter
Dear Ann,Thank you for the last letter.
You asked me, when I started to learn English. So, I started to learn English at 2nd grade. To improve my English I go to camps with learning English, watch films on this language, try to read books on English, study in school. Beside English I would like to learn Italian and French or Germanese languages, but now I don't learn it now.
Do you like studing? What is your favourite subject in school? Do you have any hobby inside of school?
So, now it's time to say goodbuy(((
Write me soon,
воскресенье, 2 апреля 2017 г.
Dear Ben,Thank you for the last letter.
You asked me about foreign languages in our school. We learn only one language - English. I would like to speak Italian beside English. I would like to visit United Kingdom, because there are a lot of sights in, for example, London. Also, there is beautiful landscape in UK. The last reason is practising in English, or, for example, getting high education in England.
What do you do at the free time? Do you like reading? What books do you prefer to read?
Write me soon,
воскресенье, 12 марта 2017 г.
fipi reading
4 -
Dear Ben,
Thank you for the last letter.
So, my favourite season is summer, because of 2 reasons. Firstly, there is my birthday at summer. And secondly, I hate cold weather. When the weather is rainy, I stay at home, drink tea, read books. What do you do at the free time? Do you like traveling? What countries did you visit?
Oh, my mother wait me. We are going to the cinema!
Write me soon,
воскресенье, 5 марта 2017 г.
Dear Mary,Thank you for the last letter.
You asked me, what is my favorite subject in school. It is very difficult question to me. I like Mathematics, English, Physics, Biology, Geography etc. I do my homework over 2 or 3 hours, but I don't do all homework that I have. At free time I read books, draw, try to play on the piano or something else.
What do you do at the free time? Do you like traveling? What countries did you visit?
Oh, my mother wait me. We are going to the cinema!
Write me soon,
воскресенье, 26 февраля 2017 г.
Howl's moving castle
This is a fascinating book written by Diana Wynne Jones. Howl's Moving Castle is the first novel in the series of books called the Howl Series. This series also includes books ''Castle in the Air'' and ''House of Many Ways''.
This story is about Sophie Hatter, who lives in the town named Market Chipping in the magical kingdom of Ingary. She was working in the father's shop, but was turned into an old crone by the powerful Witch of the Waste. Sophie leaves the shop and finds work as a cleaning lady for the Wizard Howl. Sophie strikes a bargain with Howl's fire-demon, Calcifer: if Sophie can break the contract between Howl and Calcifer, then Calcifer will return Sophie to her original form. What happened later? Read it and find out!
I really recommend Howl's moving castle. It is
This is a fascinating book written by Diana Wynne Jones. Howl's Moving Castle is the first novel in the series of books called the Howl Series. This series also includes books ''Castle in the Air'' and ''House of Many Ways''.
This story is about Sophie Hatter, who lives in the town named Market Chipping in the magical kingdom of Ingary. She was working in the father's shop, but was turned into an old crone by the powerful Witch of the Waste. Sophie leaves the shop and finds work as a cleaning lady for the Wizard Howl. Sophie strikes a bargain with Howl's fire-demon, Calcifer: if Sophie can break the contract between Howl and Calcifer, then Calcifer will return Sophie to her original form. What happened later? Read it and find out!
I really recommend Howl's moving castle. It is
воскресенье, 19 февраля 2017 г.
4e, №8
The tree of life
Now I stay near the
tree of life. It is wonderful! The tree of life is very huge, I feel that I am so little
compared with this fantastic tree! I think it looks like dragon, cat or frog. It
has survived in the desert for 400 years! The mesquite tree can develop a very
wide and deep root system which helps tree of life stay alive in desert. But
local Bedouin tribes believe that the mithical god of water has blessed the
tree and has kept it alive and growing all this years. It is truly one of the
most fascinating trees around the world!
воскресенье, 12 февраля 2017 г.
Doing the right thing
Doing the right thing - what does it mean? We live in cruel world and we need to stay together to stay alive. Also, together we can do our world better or worse, beautiful or awful. We has global problems, like homelessness, illiteracy, poverty and hunger, that should be solved. Some peoples, named ''volunteers'' try to solve this problems. For example, Mitch McGregor spent three months in Rio de Janeiro, where he taught English to homeless street children. The poverty leads to many broken homes and, if they experience violence at home or their families can't look after them anymore, children end up on the streets. Mitch was going to work in a school which gave those kids a basic education.
Also, scientists try to solve some global problems using different sciences. So, space colonisation can solve a lot of them. Professor Stephen Hawking think that the human race won't survive the next 1000 years unless we spread into space. He still believes it will only be a matter of time before we are living in space.
All in all, doing the right thing do our world better. I believe that everyone can help us little bit to do together new fantastic world.
Also, scientists try to solve some global problems using different sciences. So, space colonisation can solve a lot of them. Professor Stephen Hawking think that the human race won't survive the next 1000 years unless we spread into space. He still believes it will only be a matter of time before we are living in space.
All in all, doing the right thing do our world better. I believe that everyone can help us little bit to do together new fantastic world.
воскресенье, 5 февраля 2017 г.

- Stonehenge is a monument in Wiltshire, England.
- It was constructed from 3000 BC to 2000 BC.
- Stonehenge's ring of standing stones are set within earthworks in the middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds.
- Legends associated the construction of Stonehenge with Merlin. In the middle of the XVII century English architect Inigo Jones suggested version that that Stonehenge was built by the Romans. Some scientists of the Middle Ages believed that Stonehenge was built the Swiss or Germans. At the beginning of the XIX century, scientists believe that Stonehenge was sanctuary of the druids.
- Authors of the XVIII century noticed that the position of the stones associated with astronomical phenomena. Also, Stonehenge was used for burials of local elite and the ruling dynasty.
- The big part of this information is guesses. Stonehenge is on of the most misterious sights around the world.
воскресенье, 29 января 2017 г.
Language in use 3
1 join in
2 handed it in
3 hang on
4 hangs out
5 handed over
6 were handing out
1 lead to
2 on
3 under threat
4 for
5 to
6 in
1 vicious
2 long-term
3 toxic
4 badly
5 walking
6 unique
7 hair-raising
8 natural
9 scruffy
10 solstice
1 superheroes
2 telecommunications
3 autobiography
4 ex-husband
5 interaction
1 wandered; settled
2 swarm; attacked
1 join in
2 handed it in
3 hang on
4 hangs out
5 handed over
6 were handing out
1 lead to
2 on
3 under threat
4 for
5 to
6 in
1 vicious
2 long-term
3 toxic
4 badly
5 walking
6 unique
7 hair-raising
8 natural
9 scruffy
10 solstice
1 superheroes
2 telecommunications
3 autobiography
4 ex-husband
5 interaction
1 wandered; settled
2 swarm; attacked
воскресенье, 22 января 2017 г.
Opinion essay
There are a lot of types of the volunteering around the world. Volunteers help elderly, teach homeless children etc. I think that all young people should try to volunteer to do something good for other people or our enviroment.
Firstly, volunteering would benefit young people in the future. The advantage of it can be different in some types of volunteering. Other reason is making our world better. If everyone do something good
Firstly, volunteering would benefit young people in the future. The advantage of it can be different in some types of volunteering. Other reason is making our world better. If everyone do something good
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